Today is a very special day. The eighth day, the day after creation, is also my penultimate day of quarantine. It is that of a deep and peaceful sleep. The demons stay in front of the door. They no longer dare to attack. This is the day of preparation for the outing. Reconnect with the world, interact with people.
Eight is a perfect cube and the product of the first three powers of two. The eight is also the basis of the octal system, which is mainly used with computers. In octal, a number represents three bits. In computer science, a group of 8 bits constitutes a byte. But it is spiritually that this day resonates more. Indeed the “authors of the patristic writings, in particular Saint Jerome or Saint Augustine, comment on the account of the creation of Genesis by proceeding by opposition between the Sabbath and the day of the Lord, between the weekly (seventh day, Sunday, day of rest) and ogdoade (the eighth day which is the true or the second Sabbath). This eighth day becomes that of the resurrection and its symbol, rebirth through baptism, hence the often octagonal shape of the baptistery or the baptismal font "and that is exactly what I feel at this moment. I am ready to relive, to come out of this isolation. As through baptism, joining the community of the world.
I have just had my nose picked up deeply by a female humanoid who had the extreme delicacy of saying hello to me in French. I had tears in my eyes. One day before the release, it seems that I find a status, an existence.
I really like the sky, which is reminiscent of the blue of Bernard Plossu's Fresson prints in Western Colors.
After fourteen hours of non-stop work, I managed to disconnect a bit to finish this particular day. Lao Tseu took up a sentence from Mom: "He who triumphs over himself, has the Force". I triumphed over the hunger that I no longer feel. And I confirm that the returns seem much faster than the outward journeys, even without moving.
I am now looking forward to going out and walking, to discover my colleagues; the streets, the smells. To continue to share this city and my rare interesting re-elections with you! T